Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Global Migrane

Yup..the symptoms has started to manifest..but this time its not hemicranial..this migrane is as big as the world’s map..& the worst patient of this disease is our own INDIA…hold people! Plz don’t get confused..
Well, m talking about the growing disease in our neighbourhood named “pakistaan”.
..In 1947 when mr. Jinnah helped india to gave birth to the newborn Pakistan,.nobody has ever thought about it’s dat kind of fate…
This problematic infant has bloomed as a much controversial adult!!! From Bhutto family to nawaz shareef or Imraan khan whoever wanted to bring democracy in Pakistan was tried at least once to get surrender to army or to burn into ashes,.take the example of Benazeer Bhutto…lovely lady compared with indira Gandhi 4 her contribution in the politics of Pakistan…..
From the attackers of 9x11 to the attackers of 26x11,pakistan has contributed nicely to spread this migrane globally…
M not saying dat Pakistan is well..even its more badly diseased more than India…compressed by Taliban & so called orthodox religion..communal matter has spread in its entire empire.
This MIGRANE is expanding & involving all systems..all countries...& is becoming INCURABLE.
I hope we could all find a Remedy soon for this GLOBAL MIGRANE.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Life minus "life" is equal to what????

Its not just about missing you..
Its about living a life….
With lots of pain..& lots of fears!!
But no cries & no tears!!!!!

Something has intruded in my soul so deep..!
Which neither let me dream….nor let me sleep!!
Nobody’s fault….Nobody’s mistake….
Don’t know why left my life is on stake!!

I want a farewell of happiness..!
An end of goodwill & wellness!!!
A gift of memories & remembrance..!
& a heart filled with your fragrance!!!

As I walk behind through the past..!
Don’t know what made it to last!!
A trap of situations & circumstances..
Or a stamp of community & caste!!!!!!!

Now, as I could not take a vow like ..
..Togetherness till death do us apart!!
It is still difficult to understand ..
Life minus “life” is equal to what???

You will be forever in my thoughts & dreams..
In all phases of life…In life’s all streams!!
From my life, Nobody can snatch your presence!
& neither can anybody replace your existence!!!!

As in the end….we start to think about start!
I still wonder why we met..
What led to “this & that”…
& to live the rest of my life…
I am Still in the search of..
Life minus “life” is equal to what????

I wonder by mistake if I cry…
People will ask…….why????
If someone picks one of my tear..!
They will see you then & there!!
I still have a fear that..
They will snatch out this PAIN of your memories!!
Within me..Which is the last remnant of you !!!!!!!
Will I ever be able to say…?
I have a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT of missing you!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The FACES....(two)


What to write...
"no-work" on workplace...
this is a "contradictory" face..showing signs of sorrow(due to unnecessary thoughts), happiness..laziness...& most important "sleepiness"....these faces follow principle of "yawn yawn-& go down"....yawn till your last breath....yawn till tears tickle down your cheeks...other associated symptoms are "putting fingers in hairs"..any ocassional droup...& ocassional closure of eyelids...either provide them a bed to sleep or some fruitful work..please take note of the word "fruitful"
Pay attention-if you dont let them sleep....they can start crying...
because "no-work" is a "big-work" itself!!!!!!!!!

Wishin’’ and hopin’’ and thinkin’’ and prayin’’
Planning and dreamin’ each night of his charms....
Very common faces during those bashful faces..a new glow seems to cover this face each day..suddenly a common face becomes beautifully uncommon...loss of memory is very common....smiling for unknown reasons is very very common...
presence of a golden diamond ring in finger clearly says...
A suggestion to general public-
Avoid visiting to a "bride-to-be" doctor,you can get one extra injection!!!!!!!

The "Dysmenorrhoea" faces:-
(Non-medicos please search in the dictionary for the meaning of dysmenorrhoea)
I am having tears in my eyes describing this face...Here goes a tale of INTENSE PAIN..A tale of GOD'S injustice towards females(thats the most common word spoken during this phase)
Agony(5+)..More Agony(5+)..More & More Agony(5+){Wish i could grade it more than 5 but it is the highest grade in our science {bbcr}} is the hallmark of this face... it is..
Wrinkles over forehead.
Either red or occassional presence of tears,depends upon the intensity.
Lips -
In curved shape(either cursing herself for her birth..her gender or anyone whom she hates much).
Expression of pain..intense if a soul is craving for salvation..
Either pressing the lower belly....or lower back...
standing is the worst position..walks stoop shouldered....
Restless..changes places frequently in order to get relief...

these faces speaks also speaks common words like....
1.What to do
2.Ohh GOD!!!!!!!!!
4.Wish i could have been a boy!!!!!!
5.What the hell!!!!!!!!
6.Dont know how all women can tolerate labour!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you people had a nice time reading this...
kinny singh signing off for today..
May GOD bless all of you!!!!!!!!!!

The FACES....(one)

First of all...SORRY to all my followers for becoming absent for so many days....but now am here again with my most discussed post....
THE Faces..
During my medicine lectures i have learned so many facies of different diseases..but here are some common faces which i have seen very frequently during my internship days..
so i start with..

These "red running-nose-tearful-eyes" faces tell their own story behind them..A tale of great misery..what a minor illness everyone says..but this is enough for making any person irritable...nose becomes more red not because of inflammation but because of continuous can find occasional presence of a hanky or tissue over this face..these faces follow principle "no-speech-just-sneez"...some of the brave hearts blow their nose in public,others(the shy,modest,ideal kind of people u know!!) develops cough in few days, as they believe in swallowing mucous over their modesty...
& please dont even ask the person "what happened" may get one tight slap either physically or mentally....

Aahh.....if the toilet is engaged..this is the most peculiar face to be can get a "clenched face" with "clenched fists" posture...hands often may join to form a prayer posture if silently offering a prayer to GOD ( trully to the person who is inside toilet)....Most of the times these faces speak only two sentences...
2.OH GOD!!!!!!!!
Believe me...this "full-bladder" can make any person to go anywhere...can make "anyone" plead to "no one"...God knows you can find a "pressed-suit-highly-neat" figure into the ugliest worst it shortens the distances between people...
so time..if you want to make any person plead in front of you...invite him...make him drink..juices..water..tea..cofee..& d best one(alcohol) lock your toilet & dont give him the "key" untill he pleads..
(please dont apply this on me)
one more thing 'ssshhhuuuuu' is enough to make a "story" titled "when-someone-pee-publicly"

(to be continued in next post)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Heart speaks.......................


After being silent for full two cardic cycle is again in the process of some disturbance..which is very difficult to tackle over....

Its been beating.....beating.....& beating.....
& today my LUBB speaks like..
Hey kinny! please dont mind.......
But i hate the 'Endocrine system'....
i dont know why God created some stupid glands inside our secrete some dim-witted hormones to make whole body suffer .......
& moreover i also hate 'limbic system'(responsible for emotional changes)
Because in both cases i have to work 'extra'…...pull the damn unoxygenated blood...oxygenate it......thn push it again.....faster....faster......faster.......
look at my best friend….the respiration…..he comes almost in a state of death
ha...!!!.ha...!!!.ha... !!!.ha..... !!!!.ha….. !!!! ha…!!!!!
& to be more precise......
God! i seriously hate 'androgens'....cant HE( the almighty) make this human body without androgens…….they (the androgens) demands great work man!
See….In case of females….if a boy meets her….her limbic system gets activated & demands for more blood in cheeks……After some days her oestrogens & progesterones….prolactins….& all damn hormones gets activated!!!
She cries…..she suspects…..she dances…….she sings……she fights on every silly matter…
you can easily figure it out……I mean more blood man!....everywhere…..everytime!!!
But…situation is worse in case of  Males…..
The bloody ‘testosterone’……it is a devil…..a pure blood-sucker……a vampire…..
Cant imagine…..if it secrets itself more thn 1 ml….
Damn you androgens!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

As the SA Node beats........

Heya ppl...
so finally you are at my webpage..reading my writings...
first of all, let me tell you the meaning of SA node(if  u r a non-medico)...
It is a structure inside heart,(basically a muscle) which is responsible for producing heart beats....
so you are reading this..means obviously you are interested in knowing me...
If you are in search of some information.....some literary works....any knowledgable thing....than you can stop reading right you are not going to find any kinda material here!!
My just like my daily diary.....
You can find here..whatever i think....whatever i affections...& my imaginations!!
I am a strong believer of "Do-whatever-your-heart-says"...& "follow-your-dreams" just like some ordinary girl you know....
I may sound boring sometimes......sometimes interesting.....but anyways....its my have to bear me!!! my LUBB(the first heart sound) says........
kinny you can not be "sigmund freud" so please stop behaving like a psycho...
stop searching the difference between "brain" & "mind"!!
just enjoy some 'small moments' of  your life.....
 May be a walk with friends...
A cool fight...!!
A joyful dance....
A smile of delight!!
A messed-up room...
Or some unknown fears...!!
May be a romance with starry nights..
& some silent tears!!!
Just be in these moments..
feel the touch of bright sunshine...
or the pouring rains on your face!

No matter how fast you run....
you can never win with time's race!

Whether you reach on your goals....get your will never get these "small moments" back...
Be in love...never conceal your whatever you want to do....because happiness never comes through plannings & missions!!!
happiness comes through "SA node".....through heart!!!!!!!
Just BE ORIGINAL......EXPRESS YOURSELF.....Express your heart!!!
So friends...kinny singh signing off  for today....

(closing of valves with second heart sound )

