Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Controversial Sugar Pills

Recently a “Mass overdose campaign” was held in UK at many places simultaneously at 10:23 AM,30th January in a bid to prove that the homoeopathic medicines are worthless.
The demonstration, organized by the Merseyside Skeptics Society (MSS), saw supporters gather outside branches of Boots to swallow entire bottles of tablets.
Campaigners have called on the high street chain to withdraw all homeopathic treatments from its shelves, which they say are "scientifically absurd".
Result of this campaign was Useless, neither they could get any benefit themselves nor they contributed homoeopathy by “unhomoeopathic administration” of medicines. If only they would have been decided to take it “homoeopathically” God knows the homoeopathic world would have got a number of provers.

Another attack on another alternative medicine by another set of arrogant individuals who seem incapable of understanding that there are other methods of curing ailments than the drug-dependent, closed-minded conventional medical institutions would have us believe.
Why is it? that unless something has the potential to harm, it is not considered a medicine? Surely the fact that homoeopathy doesn't destroy a person's immune system, organs or mental state is a good thing, and yet it is seen as ridiculous because there has never been a death caused by it. Where is the logic in that?
There are millions who would testify that homoeopathy has worked in curing a variety of illnesses, ranging from cancer to a cold. If people choose to put their faith in a mild, risk-free medicine instead of or before subjecting themselves to potentially poisonous drugs then who has the right to stop them?
Homoeopathy, as a system of medicine has survived in the world since 200 years & showed its effectiveness in the treatment of various illnesses ranging from cold to cancer in spite of the immense criticism it has faced over the test of time.
Why homoeopathy all the time? A system so harmless yet effective has been condemned since the days of its origin principally due to its “minimum doses”.
One of the ancient laws of Pharmacology “Arndt-Schulz law” states that small doses stimulate, medium dose inhibits & large dose kills. In modern times a phenomenon called “Hormesis” gave further support for homoeopathic medicine, which has come from a most unlikely direction: the field of toxicology, or the action of poisons. Beginning in 1960, data began to accumulate that poisonous substances were having two effects on living organisms. At high doses they inhibited metabolism and ultimately caused death, as was well known. But at low doses they exerted a stimulating effect, a response totally unexpected and not explainable by current medical science.
Why there is a skepticism about “quantity” of the medicine consumed & its possible outcomes ? People who were “illusionally overdosing” themselves with it, does’nt even know about its “proper doses”.
And after all these tantarums, if they get any good convincing result in front of them in any of the trial, they term it The “PLACEBO EFFECT”. Here is a warm suggestion to all those people who believe that homoeopathy is mere “placebo effect”, that If you want to see the difference between a placebo effect & the real effect caused by any homoeopathic medicine, just sit in OPD for two days with a qualified homoeopath, you will surely get to know.
Surely, the homoeopathic community has been facing criticism from very long for not presenting the “scientific evidences” & “mechanism of action” of homoeopathic remedies. There had been a range of reasons for all these blames & claims.
First & foremost-The incomplete recording & reporting of evidence based cases. Homoeopathy has offered effective cure for many problems which has almost either no cure or lifelong continued medication in the mainstream medical science i.e. Allergies, Alopecia, Photo dermatitis, Psoriasis, Obesity, Vitiligo, Rheumatoid Arthritis, asthma, cervical Spondylosis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Joint pains & many other constitutional & lifestyle ailments. Since it treats the patient as a whole, it inadvertently treats the other non-specific complaints & functional disorders who are yet seeking a diagnostic term for their categorization into medicine.
Either we have lack of recording or reporting of these cases to the concerned authority. Collection of all concerned lab reports, photographs, case sheets, should be submitted with due course of time.
Second - lack of the required funds/ insufficient funds for research & development.
This reason may seem inappropriate to the materialistic world to whom homoeopathy is a cheap, easily available, “easy- to-manufacture” & “easy –to- deliver” system of medicine. But the truth is that we need vigorous research to establish it as a therapeutic science. Apart from brains, we need money too. Kindly do consider that whole ISM & H, AYUSH Department ( Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy) gets only the 1/10th of funds from the annual budget in comparison to the mainstream medicine. Its not like that we are demanding the equal money, but yes people, we need “sufficient” funds as healthcare providers.
Third- Understanding of the limitations.
Every science has got its own scope & limitations. Even whole medicine community from a general physician to a neuron/cardio surgeon works in a proper REFFERAL SYSTEM. Homoeopathy has its own limitations & instead of undue delay or prolongation of treatment one should right away refer the patient for suitable treatment.
Any system of medicine is not complete without being cumulative with another system. Instead of fighting over some worthless issues, mutual respect & co-operation can do much betterment of mankind, especially in the field of medicine.
Apart from these reasons, another reasons like malpractice of homoeopathy by quakes, improper administration of medicines, poly-pharmacy & deviations from the classical homoeopathy, mis-interpretation regarding the prolonged duration of treatment has significantly lead homoeopathy into controversial aspects.
Today, our country has lack of qualified medical professionals, most of the people are unaware that homoeopathic students do study Pathology, Surgery, Medicine, ENT, Ophthalmology, Anatomy, Physiology, Gynae/Obs, all subject of medical science in a 5 & half years of course. They study MD too.
Most of the people are unaware that only 2-3 doses of correct homoeopathic medicine prescribed in a homoeopathic way can cut short their a week long viral illness.
So next time, if any of you suffer from a cough & cold, before taking sets of antibiotics by yourself, kindly do consider 3-4 dosage of sweet sugar pills prescribed by a qualified homoeopath & instead of passing judgment on homoeopathy only by reading newspaper controversies, test the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines by yourself.


  1. very good information-i too depend on sweet sugar pills,rather than other alternatives.keep writing such informative posts.

    well done:)
